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St. Margaret Mary Parish, in accordance with San Antonio Archdiocesan Policy, requires that everyone who serves in ministry, be interviewed, screened appropriately and trained on the Archdiocesan Policy regarding Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, or Abuse. Many positions require a background check to be conducted every three years.
“Stewardship begins in the heart of all Catholics.” (Pope John Paul II)
Active involvement in parish life is the foundation for an active and alive faith. When we serve others in the church, we say yes as disciples of Christ.
We become the Body of Christ.
Stewardship = Participation = “Yes! I am Catholic!”
Yes! You can participate! Through stewardship at StMM Parish you can be an active community member. All Catholics are called to strengthen the foundation of their Faith – their parish community – through giving of their time, talent and treasure.
There are many different ways to be involved in the parish. Review the different ministries described below. Contact the leader directly and tell them you would like to be involved.
Duties and Responsibilities
Elected members of the Parish meet Quarterly to plan for and address the needs of the Parish.
The pastoral council is established in accordance with Canon Law to work in close collaboration with the pastor advising him in matters pertaining to parish ministries. The Pastoral Council is a consultative body whose purpose is the promotion of the mission of Jesus Christ and His Church, and reflects the diversity of our growing parish community.
The Finance Council, according to Church law, advises the pastor on financial matters. More specifically, according to Archdiocesan regulation, the Finance Council should consist of three to five members with financial expertise to oversee the parish budget, to advise on spending projects, and to prepare an outline of parish finances to present to the Archdiocesan Debt Review Committee for larger projects.
The Council meets quarterly to carry out its function. When there are special projects taking place, the Council meets more often as needed.
Parish Finance Member is appointed by Priest.
Duties and Responsibilities
An altar server and acolytes attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helps bring up the gifts, brings up the book, among other things. If young, the server is commonly called an altar boy or altar girl. Adults are commonly called Acolytes.
Children can start serving at the mass at the age of 10 years old, must have completed the Sacrament of Holy Communion to serve during the mass.
The Candle Ministry is the perfect opportunity for people who like to serve in a quiet behind-the-scene setting.
Our teams of Candle Ministry volunteers clean the votives and replace the candles at each of our shrines to ensure the availability of this devotion for parishioners.
This is a wonderful opportunity for prayerful reflection as you perform an essential service for the parish.
Volunteers are scheduled on a rotation approximately one week every few weeks.
Candles are replaced during the weekday and/or after mass.
To join the Candle Ministry, please call the church office at (210) 532-6309 or Contact the Coordinator below
Coordinartor: Rita Guerrero
Phone: (210) 532-6309
Duties and Responsibilities
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs):
Assist the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, at all masses, holy days of obligation, and other special celebrations for the parish. It is a beautiful gift to be able to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to His flock!
Homebound Ministers:
Assist the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist, the Body of Christ, to those in the parish boundary who are not able to attend mass. A 5 minute stop at the persons home.
Members must be Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and they must be active, registered parishioners. Ministers serve at a Mass of their choosing. Each Mass has a captain who is responsible for the ministers at that Mass. Normally, there are two teams of ministers who serve on alternate weeks. EMs meet before Mass for a brief prayer.
The process to become a Eucharistic Minister:
The Hospitality Ministry is also a servant ministry. Ushers/greeters/hospitality ministers should see themselves as servants of the faith community. They bring the welcome of Christ to the moment and reach out to the Christ in the other.
· They are to meet, greet, and assist their fellow members/visitors to feel welcome and at home at worship.
· They should have a gift of hospitality, putting people at ease and assisting them as needed.
· Distribute bulletins, registrations forms, envelopes as needed by the parishioner.
· Clean-up area after event and restore room to the normal set-up.
· Troughout the Mass, assist with Collection, leading and guiding parishioners during communion.
· Be alert to help with any disturbances or direct in an simple emergency situation (call 911, find safetykit, fire extuinguishers..). Know who to call in case of emergency.
Those who proclaim God's word in the liturgy are known as Lectors. It is an ancient teaching in the Church that Christ is truly present in His Word: the Word that is spoken, heard and acted upon. Answering the call to become a Lector, enters one into a deeper relationship with God as he is revealed in Sacred Scripture. To be Lector is a commitment of service.
The ministry of Lector is one of the most visible roles service at Liturgy. It is through the Lector that the Word of God is proclaimed to the people through the Old and New Testament readings. In the ministry of Lector, God's Word is spoken to God's people. God's Word that has power and has challenges as it comforts and builds up our community of faith.
A willingness to study the Scriptures and time to pray with the readings before each liturgical assignment are necessary commitments for a Lector. Reading skills, the ability to develop proclamation techniques and a clear and steady voice are attributes of a Lector.
Guidelines for the ministry and practical training are provided. Lectors receive a workbook with the readings for the current liturgical year as a resource in their preparation. Lectors are scheduled based on their availability preference.
Our liturgical festivities would not be the same without music. Our parish is fortunate to have a group of exceptionally gifted volunteers who lead our congregation in singing as a way of sharing their talents. In order to improve the experience of the gathered community, Music Ministry provides a varied schedule of liturgical music, which includes Adult and Spanish Choirs. Anyone who attends Mass and would want to participate in the Music Ministry program should meet with one of the musicians or the Director of Music.
Duties and Responsibilities
The role of a sacristan is one of supporting the priest, the liturgical ministers and the liturgy itself.
The sacristan prepares the Holy Eucharist for the celebration of the Mass. This includes readying the wine, water, and bread and putting them in place before the start of the Mass
The sacristan cleans the holy materials in the sacristy after Mass. Everything is set back in its place in the sacristy before the sacristan leaves the church.
The sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available. There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals.
Altar Society is responsible for maintaining church linens, vestments, seasonal environments, furnishing altar candles, flowers, etc. Their duties also include minimal cleaning of the sacristy and sanctuary. When necessary, this ministry furnishes church supplies, such as candle stands, communion and service items, and also refurbishing items when needed.
Ministry Leader: Mary Lou Lafuente
The Knights of Columbus' principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism serve as the basis of the Order's core values which are Integrity, Professionalism, Excellence, and Respect.
The Knights of Columbus are here to help. We offer the Catholic faith formation, financial protection, and family resources that can help you grow as a father, husband, and leader. With the Knights, you can become the man you want to be – and your family needs.
The members of the ACTS community will strive to assist members of the parish family to attain a deeper relationship with our Lord and with fellow parishioners through:
Adoration: The call, acceptance and response to God.
Community: Love and caring for each other as members of the body of Christ.
Theology: Study of our faith through scripture.
Service: To God, each other and our parish family.
The purpose of the 3 day weekend retreat is to invite the retreatant to a new relationship with our Lord and fellow parishioners through Adoration and daily prayer; through Community in one’s parish as a member of the body of Christ; through Theology encouraging an intellectual and spiritual growth that gives fruits in our daily lives; and finally to encourage a spirit of Service to our Lord, our parish and each other. Participants experience God’s love and joy through the weekend, returning to their faith community with a deeper love for each other and an increased desire to become more involved in their parish community.
Is responsible for the decisions governing the ACTS Ministry within their parish in keeping with the directives, guidelines and provisions of the ACTS Core Charter and of ACTS Missions.
Men's ACTS Retreat
The retreat is given by parishioners and is open to any man 21 years of age or older that would like to grow in his faith journey.
Woman's ACTS Retreat
The retreat is given by parishioners and is open to any woman 21 years of age or older that would like to grow in his faith journey.
Teen ACTS Retreat (co-ed)
NEXT RETREAT DATE IS YET TO BE DETERMINED. The retreat is given by parishioners and is open to any Teen 14-18 years of age that would like to grow in his faith journey. The Team consist of Teens, Young Adults and Adults.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and spiritually renew your soul.
Youth ministry's focus is to provide religious education for teens of the community. Youth ministry offers faith-based classes and youth group activities led by our youth, ministry leaders, who also recruit local teens often seeking volunteer community service hours to serve as community volunteers. Additionally , it helps build fellowship within the the community and the different ministries within the church.
Grupo de Oracion
These meetings are for us the instrumet and the means in which we move to seek and follow Jesus Christ, living a deep relatiinship wit him, as the essence of every christian life.
We are an open prayer group where anyone who wishes to join can attend, may they feel accepted, welcomed and loved by othersm, to walk and grow in the spirit, with the responsibility of listening to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Metings are every Tuesday from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.
First Friday of Month
Join us every First Friday of the month at 12pm (noon) for a special Healing Mass and anointing of the sick. Reconnect, find solace, and embrace the healing powers of our divine physician, Jesus Christ.
An anointing mass is a Catholic sacrament that is a time to pray for God's grace to strengthen those who are sick or aging. It is also known as the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or Extreme Unction.
We begin the mass as normal, liturgy of the word, a homily and blessing of the sacred oils. During an anointing mass, a priest anoints the sick with the oil of the sick, which has been blessed by the bishop. Followed the priest laying his hands on the person's head and makes the sign of the cross on their forehead and palms. We then continue with the Litgurgy of the Eucharist and final blessing and dismisal.
Holy water is distributed, a small gift shop is available with religious items, and candles are available for purchase.
The sacrament can: Provide forgiveness for sins, Provide comfort in suffering, Restore people in spirit, Sometimes restore physical health, and Prepare people for passing over to eternal life
Duties and Responsibilities
An altar server and acolytes attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helps bring up the gifts, brings up the book, among other things. If young, the server is commonly called an altar boy or altar girl. Adults are commonly called Acolytes.
Children can start serving at the mass at the age of 10 years old, must have completed the Sacrament of Holy Communion to serve during the mass.
Description Title
The Candle Ministry is the perfect opportunity for people who like to serve in a quiet behind-the-scene setting.
Our teams of Candle Ministry volunteers clean the votives and replace the candles at each of our shrines to ensure the availability of this devotion for parishioners.
This is a wonderful opportunity for prayerful reflection as you perform an essential service for the parish.
Volunteers are scheduled on a rotation approximately one week every few weeks.
To join the Candle Ministry, please call the church office at
Description Title
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs):
Assist the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, at all masses, holy days of obligation, and other special celebrations for the parish. It is a beautiful gift to be able to bring the Body and Blood of Christ to His flock!
Homebound Ministers:
Assist the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist, the Body of Christ, to those in the parish boundary who are not able to attend mass. A 5 minute stop at the persons home.
Members must be Catholics who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and they must be active, registered parishioners. Ministers serve at a Mass of their choosing. Each Mass has a captain who is responsible for the ministers at that Mass. Normally, there are two teams of ministers who serve on alternate weeks. EMs meet before Mass for a brief prayer.
The process to become a Eucharistic Minister:
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Duties and Responsibilities
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.