CCD is Faith Formation
The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine is commonly referred to by its abbreviation, CCD, or simply as "Catechism", and provides religious education to Catholic children attending secular schools.
We assists parents and the godparents in their responsibility to bring up their child within the Catholic Faith. CCD education is provided by both members of the clergy and lay staff; they are called Cathechist. The Catechists assist parents by organizing the faith formation classes and service activities that allow students to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
Our faith formation classes are more than just education in another subject; it’s a practice in our daily life. The Classes aim in putting the student in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We aim to assist the parents of our parish in bringing their children up as disciples of Jesus Christ who know and love Him.
CCD Schedule
Preparing for reception of sacraments at St. Margaret Mary is minimally a two-year process. Our program is all about helping the family to grow and remain together in the faith by increasing socialization in the parish community.
Year 1: Learning about our faith
Year 2: Sacreament Preperations
7 to 13 year old Children
Children enter at Level 1 for a prep-level course and in Level 2 they will receive Reconciliation and First Communion. We strongly encourage families to continue their children’s enrollment in the Family Formation program for Level 3 and Level 4 prior to entering Confirmation Year I.
High School - 14 to 18 years
Those wishing to receive Confirmation will enter in Confirmation Year I and receive Confirmation in Year II. Students that have not received the Sacrament of Communion prior entering Confirmation year I will need to take the RCIC Course.
Adult Confirmation - 18 and above
Adult Confirmation -Age 18 + more
This Course if for adults that are wishing to receive Confirmation. Adults who have celebrated First Holy Communion but lack the Sacrament of Confirmation, and who do not have any other impediments to receiving the Sacraments.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults/Children
RCIA for Adults
If an adult has not yet been baptized or received first Eucharist and wants to be confirmed, they are invited to participate in a process called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Since these adults need more than one sacrament, they require more formation and preparation which is received through the RCIA process.
RCIA is for anyone who is wanting to know more about our faith. Want to become catholic from another denomination or wanting to recieve their sacraments.
RCIC for Children
Those 7+ years old, who have yet to receive Baptism and Communion will need to take separately the RCIC course (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children), which is two years.
If online registration is not working please download pdf registration form, fill it out and drop off at office.
Training is available for anyone who would like to begin sharing their faith with Children. To serve as a CCD Catechist, register as parishioner. It's Free! Come speak to the director of Faith Formation and begin the Virtus training by clicking the Virtus Online.
Director of Faith Formation
Linda Rubio.
CCD classes start on: First Sunday in October
Adult RCIA start on: First Sunday in October
Registration Date Opens: July 5
Registration Closes: September 25
Registration Fee: $50 per person
Adult Confirmation: First Sunday after Ash Wednesday
Registration Date Opens: December
Registration Closes: February 28
Registration Fee: $50 per person